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16 September 2008

Managing coral reefs important

Managing coral reefs important: Academic - Fiji Times Online:
"Managing coral reefs important: Academic

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Coral reefs and marine organisms need to be properly managed in our ecosystem says Associate Professor, School of Marine Studies Dr Joeli Veitayaki.Justify Full

Dr Veitayaki was speaking at the Coral Reef Ecology Survey Methods workshop at the faculty of Islands and Oceans yesterday.

Funded by the Coral Reef Initiative in the South Pacific (CRISP), the seminar provides a knowledge base of marine organisms such as coral, crustacean, algae and fish.

Participants also learn about survey methods for fisheries, implementation and management of marine protected areas where training will be conducted at Muaivuso village, Lami.

'The USP region and the French Institute covered a significant part of the Pacific for this research. Most of the people here are doing different aspects of project work and make presentations,' he said.

'If you're using different methods and you come up with different information this makes the comparison very difficult. We don't know a lot about coral reefs and they are being threatened. The aim is to try and ensure that coral reefs are better managed.'"

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