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27 September 2007

Sevu Sevu - Blessing the Waterfront Properties

A sevusevu is an offering of the kava root, and is involved in all Fijian ceremonies. A bundle of kava root is offered as a gift, a gesture of respect and good will towards the community.
As a gesture of respect towards the people of Fiji and their beliefs, we organised for a sevusevu to be performed on all of our waterfront properties in Pacific Harbour.
The chiefs and priest of the villages on whose land the properties are located blessed us with their presence and performed a ceremony on the beachfront and waterfronts lots and the waterfront villas.
We in turn presented the chief, priest and chosen villagers with a tabua and kava root.
The priest offered his blessing as did the chief as the kava was shared amongst those present.
Our properties are now blessed by the ancient gods.
Vinaka Vaka Levu.

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